Leo Club Youth Service Opportunity

Leadership calling!  2021 is the rollout year for the RBTL program as the committee is outreach to Lions and LEO Clubs and districts to consider adopting as a project.

LEO’s are limited by policy to handle vision screenings tools. LEO’s can accompany to club events and activities and have a role to attract people of all ages and encourage a quick screening for adults, or for children; a race! 

Many LEO’s may tutor fellow students. RBTL can offer a solution to help improve reading skills and increase scores if indeed a lack of coordinated jump eye movements may be a factor in retention. All of these actions equate to meaningful service of a humanitarian nature. RBTL is a program complimentary to RAP Reading Action Program and KidSight USA., through reading programs and vision screening events.

Much like a club would screen people for vision, RBTL can be facilitated during community events simply by setting up a table, having tools in hand, and volunteer time. Currently the screening method is face-to-face; however, a digital screening is also accessible through technology.  Currently the method is developed in English however future goals include development in multiple languages where Lions Clubs globally can access and help people improve their reading. 

Are you avLEO advisor? We are happy to provide training support .


USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum • Des Moines, Iowa


MD4con 2020 Visalia, California Team Outreach