Primary School Readers

Donate to Empower Literacy with Read Between the Lions!

Your support means the world to us. When you donate to Read Between the Lions, you're contributing to a transformative mission that empowers individuals with the gift of literacy. Our reading skills program is making a significant impact, and your generous donations directly fuel this journey.

How We Use Your Donations

  • Lions Club & School Conventions

    We believe in reaching as many people as possible. Your donations allow us to purchase and set up booths at Lion Club and education conventions, spreading awareness about our program and its benefits.

  • Optometry College Research

    We are committed to evidence-based approaches. Your contributions fund research at optometry colleges, enabling us to refine and improve our program continuously.

  • Website Maintenance

    In the digital age, a strong online presence is vital. Your support helps us maintain our website, allowing us to share valuable information and resources with a wider audience.

  • Printing Costs

    Handouts, guides, and resources are essential tools in our mission. Your contributions help cover printing costs, enabling us to provide high-quality materials that enhance the learning experience.

  • Convenient Packaging

    For those embarking on remediation after testing, convenient packaging of learning materials is crucial. Your donations make this possible, ensuring that individuals have what they need to succeed.

  • Certified Trainer Pins

    Our certified trainers play a pivotal role in our program's success. Your donations cover pin costs, recognizing and appreciating these dedicated individuals who drive our mission forward.

Why Your Donations Matter

Every penny you donate goes directly towards strengthening our outreach efforts. We have a passionate team of volunteers, and there are no paid administrators. Your generosity ensures that all resources are dedicated to advancing our program and making a difference in people's lives.

Unlocking Lifelong Love for Reading

By donating to Read Between the Lions, you're not just supporting a program; you're helping to unlock a lifelong love for learning and literacy. Your contribution contributes to our evidence-based approach, ensuring that individuals develop essential reading skills that serve them throughout their lives.

We invite you to give generously and join us in our journey to excel in reading. Together, we can make a lasting impact, fostering a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive through the power of literacy.

Donate today and be a part of the change! Thank you for your support.

2021 Vision Award of Community Service

We are the recipients of the first-ever Vision Award for Community Service by the Nevada Optometric association, recognizing continuous work in the community to promote eye health and eye care along with the Lions Clubs of Reno.